Welcome to What the Fungal homepage

A collaboration between BASF and Golf Course Industry Magazine, dedicated to providing the latest information and education to turf professionals.

One sneaky disease

Without proper awareness and control mechanisms, summer patch can..

Little Name, Big Problem

Across the transition zone and into the south, mini ring can present turf pros...

Universal Answers

Fairy ring can emerge on warm- and cool-season turf. Fortunately, there are well-rounded tactics to finding....

Expensive Problems

No turf disease receives more attention than dollar spot. Here's the latest in what you need to know!

No Need to Stess Out

Anthracnose always lurks on finely maintained turf. Fortunately, much has been....

Round and Capable of Damaging Golf Ground

Spring dead spot poses significant problems on...

Nasty Transition

Shifting to Ultradwarf Bermudagrasses can produce unintended consequences. Get to know more about....